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How to Make a Beautiful Powerpoint Presentation TUTORIAL

How to Make a Beautiful Powerpoint Presentation

Photo Courtesy: x'000 Hours/DigitalVision/Getty Images

PowerPoint is Microsoft'south proprietary presentation software that lets you create digital slideshows utilizing a multifariousness of media. Originally designed for business organizations to run during group presentations, meetings and other events, PowerPoint, as function of Microsoft's Role suite of programs, is now utilized by everyone from students to nonprofits. Anyone who wants to create visuals for organizing and supplementing a presentation tin do so with a PowerPoint slideshow. But what'south the all-time manner to go about doing that? If you're new to PowerPoint or haven't used it much, these tips can aid you get the about out of the program.

Go along Things Unproblematic

Your PowerPoint slideshow is a supplement to your presentation, not a stand-in for it. The slides should serve as visual aids for the topic you're discussing; they shouldn't include large paragraphs of text that you simply read back to the audition. Proceed slides clutter-complimentary and focus on conveying ane point per slide.

Photo Courtesy: PhotoAlto/Frederic Cirou/PhotoAlto Agency RF Collections/Getty Images

Don't feel like you accept to fill each slide with multiple graphics and tons of color, either. Negative space is a good thing here because it helps the audience focus on what you're saying and on the minimal content of a slide. And those funky transitions betwixt slides? They can diameter and distract audiences, detracting from your content in the process. Stick to one or two elementary animations, and don't include them betwixt all slides — save them for the points when yous switch gears to a new topic.

This tip goes along with the previous one: It's important to proceed text to a minimum for simplifying your slideshow presentation. Audiences will coat over long swathes of text, even if they're in bullet format, so this doesn't proceed them engaged with your content. Remember that PowerPoint presentations aren't reports; they're extras meant to help viewers better imagine what you're giving a talk about. Think of it this fashion: A PowerPoint presentation should exist of almost no utilise to someone without you there to talk about it.

Photograph Courtesy: Mikolette/E+/Getty Images

Some other unintended issue of including slides full of text is that you might be tempted to plough around and read directly off of them. You lot never desire to turn your dorsum on your audience this style — although information technology'southward fine to glance at the slides as they modify just to be sure yous're on track or to reference something that appears on one. Ideally, you'll create a split document or flashcards that you can read from during your presentation; don't rely on the PowerPoint slideshow lonely.

Think Artistically

So, yous've probably gotten the idea that a PowerPoint slideshow is meant to be a visual help that enhances your presentation, not detracts from it. But there are a few key things to remember for harnessing that visual ability and making the slides pop in a helpful way.

Photo Courtesy: Maskot/Getty Images

The starting time is to employ high-quality graphics. Avoid cheesy clip-art (and as corny stock photos), and don't include anything that looks as well cartoony. Stick to well-photographed pictures of real people instead. The reasoning hither is twofold: Using high-quality images gives your presentation an air of professionalism (boosting your credibility in the process), and the audience won't get bored looking at stale line drawings that are included with PowerPoint — and that they've seen dozens of times already.

The 2d? Go with a theme, but avoid using PowerPoint'due south born templates if possible. Over again, this keeps things feeling fresh and prevents viewers from growing tired of visuals they've seen before. Just it besides makes the slides feel cohesive. You can do this by using the same colors throughout the presentation, even though your images, graphs and charts volition probable vary in color. Keeping backgrounds light and any text night is easiest to read, but reverse that if you lot're showing the presentation in a dark room.

Promote Active Listening and Watching

To really enhance your presentation, include video or sound clips (or both) that illustrate the betoken y'all're trying to brand. Hearing and seeing some action keeps your audience's brains engaged and tin can also assist divide your slideshow into sections that are more than digestible. They serve to reinforce information you're discussing. But, don't go wild with sound effects, such equally those y'all can insert during slide transitions. These tin be jarring and disrupt audition focus, and they don't contribute annihilation to the presentation other than making sounds.

Photo Courtesy: vgajic/Eastward+/Getty Images

Apply video and audio clips judiciously, such equally if you lot're trying to requite the group a better idea of the size of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch or yous want them to hear a portion of an interview you conducted. Including sound for sound's sake doesn't brand the slideshow better; it just makes it noisier. If there's something you don't feel you can convey as well in words, a video or audio prune may be only what yous need, though.

Think Beyond Pattern

The slideshow itself isn't the principal goal of the presentation — just what y'all say is. Part of creating an engaging presentation overall is knowing how yous're going to use the slideshow and how well information technology works. It's essential to exercise your bodily presentation and meet how the slideshow facilitates it before you head upward to the podium. You tin plan out your cadence and decide if at that place'due south anything you need to change, like the slide order or the content of a slide itself. This also gives you a chance to proofread the slide to ensure information technology's ready for the audition.

Photograph Courtesy: wera Rodsawang/Moment/Getty Images


How to Make a Beautiful Powerpoint Presentation TUTORIAL

Posted by: janicemoste1983.blogspot.com

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